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Workers Compensation
Updated On: Apr 24, 2014
For more Information Click on Link below
Do You Know Your Workers Compensation Rights?
Workers Compensation provides limited benefits for on the job injuries. As an injured worker you are entitled to permanent and temporary disability, costs of medical treatment, mileage and other incidental expenses. If a negligent third party is responsible for your injury your recovery may be greatly enhanced.
The five rules of on-the-job injuries are:
1. Report the incident to your employer immediately.
2. Fill out a Workers Compensation DWC-1 form immediately.
3. See a physician within 24 hours of the incident.
4. Do not give a written or recorded statement to anyone.
5. Make sure photos of the incident scene are taken. Preserve all physical evidence. Gather names of witnesses and their statements of the incident.
Labor Code §5430 requires the following disclosure: Making a false or fraudulent workers compensation claim is a felony subject of up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, which ever is greater, or by both imprisonment or fine.
Any questions: Compensation attorneys available are:
Boxer and Gerson — Attorneys at Law: John Harrigan 171 St. Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94607
Tel: (510) 835-8870 Fax: (510) 835-0415 website:
The Arnz Law Firm
J. Lambert — Regional Director I Rincon Center 101 Spear St. Suite 215, San Francisco, CA
Tel: 1 -(888)-495- 7801 Fax: (415) 495-7888 website: http://www. arnzlaw. corn
Mc Carthy & Associates
Attorneys at Law: 1300 Ethan Way, Suite 150, Sacramento, CA 95825
Tel: (916) 641-2667 Fax: (916) 641-0222
Ed B. Chatoian II
Attorney at Law: 2607 Fresno Sf, Fresno, CA 93721
Tel: (559) 585-0101 Fax: (559) 485-7643
Sam Swift
Attorney at Law: 2102 Almaden Rd., Suite 102, San Jose, CA 95125
Tel: (408) 723-2102 Fax: (408) 723-2141

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